This blog gives news items and interesting topics on South Africa’s long awaited 2010 event. From promotional gifts, up market soccer gifts and other soccer giveaways to "in the news" items, this is a blog for all 2010 soccer and marketing fans.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Sewerage project to offer fertile opportunities
According to Colin Mokoena, spokesperson for the Sedibeng Municipality, the project is in the detailed design stage and they are still completing the Environmental Impact Assessment. No tenders have been awarded yet and the entire upgrade is expected to be completed in time for the 2010 Soccer World Cup. Broad-based black economic empowerment targets have been set for this R614 million project, so there are ample business possibilities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). “It will involve the laying of pipes and construction works, so there will be opportunities for small and larger contractors,” Mokoena says.
Further to construction opportunities, the municipality hopes that the project will boost the tourism industry and attract investment. Mokoena explains that once an area has infrastructure and basic services to accommodate more people, then more businesses will meet the greater demand for services and become attractive investment options.
. For more information about the upgrade, visit
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Concern over WC sex tourism
Earlier this year, police commissioner Jackie Selebi expressed his concerns about ’soccer hooligans’ who are expected to imbibe in public places and those who would feel the urge to pick up prostitutes.
The South African Law Reform Commission says it is looking at the experiences of other countries like Germany and Australia which have legalised prostitution.
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Volunteers on board for preliminary draw
‘Those volunteers will be trained by experts on how to do whatever we are going to sign them up to do as part of the tournament.’ The volunteers will be separated into two groups – general and specific. He said his department which is working closely with the Local Organising Committee (LOC), has set aside a budget to train volunteers. The LOC says it will sign up 15 000 volunteers nationally to assist in staging a successful tournament.
Monday, 03 September 2007
R19bn upgrade for airports

The Airports Company South
Photo: Project 2010